Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Day 2

I spent the day at the hospital today. Wendy told me that she had a tough night last night, drifting in and out of sleep, with quite a bit of nausea and vomitting. The vomitting was a reaction to the anesthetic used during surgery. At one point they took some blood, and that was tough because Wendy has small veins. They ended up calling in a "specialist" from the ER. The doctor did drop by very briefly and confirmed that in was only the stem that was replaced. Also, Wendy will not be weight-bearing at all for a while, due most likely to a bone graft that they did. It also looks like Wendy will go to a rehab hospital, probably next week. We figure it will be for about 1-2 weeks.

Overall, Wendy was in very good spirits today, even with little sleep last night. She was far more on-the-ball than the same time during the last surgery. She's using the morphine button much less that last time. Food-wise, by supper Wendy was having a bit of solid food. There is a huge difference compared to the first surgery, Wendy is obviously feeling and doing much better.

I'm back to work tomorrow, so I'll be going to the hospital for around 6pm, back home by about 9. Like yesterday, I'll print out and pass along any comments.


At August 11, 2004 at 5:43 a.m., Blogger Staninfrance said...

Hi, John and Windy

Well, it's no picnic, but progress seems to be being made.

The entire process takes a lot of patience, far more than I'm accustomed to having.

I wish Wendy a continued strong recovery!



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