Aug. 29
I've got 24 days to until I next see my surgeon and presumably get the OK to start putting weight on my operated leg. Aside from the odd twinge, especially in the knee, I feel so good that it is a huge effort to keep hopping around on my crutches while carefully keeping my operated foot off the floor.
Those of you who have never had to contend with orthopedic surgery are probably unaware of the many assistive devices that exist to make the life of a recovering hippy much easier. One of these devices is the "transfer bench", which sits with two legs in the bathtub and two legs outside. The bather sits on the bench and swings her legs over the edge of the bathtub in order to sit in the tub and use the shower. After my last surgery, it must have taken me a month to do this myself. John would have to carefully lift my operated leg over the very high edge of our tub to get me in and out. Yesterday, I had my first shower at home. Although John was there to help with adjusting the taps, drying my feet etc. I managed to get in and out of the bath using the bench all by myself. I know, the crowing sounds are deafening.
Today, it rained for a good part of the day so I was unable to go out. Tomorrow, I will hopefully hop over to our local café and meet with some colleagues for a little business meeting. It's so great getting back to real-life activities!
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